Tag Archives: HowTo

How to Connect to BOX.com Cloud Storage on Linux?

As you probably may know, the most Linux-friendly cloud storage is Dropbox. The Linux-client for Dropbox is absolutely fantastic. It cannot be better.

But, what about Box.com? There is no Linux-client yet and probabely never will be.

So, how to connect and synchronize with the Box.com?

If you use Debian based Ubuntu or Mint, than you don’t need a client to connect. IT’s simmilar with other distros, too. WebDAV extension is enough for that. Just open your Nautilus or Nemo or whatever you use as a file manager and click:

File > Connect to Server…

and add these details:

Server: dav.box.com/dav
Type: Secure WebDAV (HTTPS)
User name: <your username for Box.com>
Password: <your password for Box.com>

then check “Remember this password” and click “Connect“.

Your Box.com cloud storage will be mounted as a disk. Whatever you put there, will be synchronized with your cloud.

That’s it 😉
