This is a short tutorial on how to install Lexmark E232 laser printer driver in Ubuntu or any other Debian-based linux box.
At work I have an old Lexmark E232 printer. I am a hardcore Gnome user under Ubuntu linux. At this moment, I am using the Ubuntu 11.10. As at one point of time I had no other printer available for work, I had to use the old printer. Lexmark is known for its non-linux-friendly printers. After some googling, I realized that there is no working tutorial for this job.
Here is how I solved the problem:
1. Download the printer driver from HERE.
2. Don’t be confused with EXE extension of the downloaded file. It is not a Windows driver. Just rename the file by deleteting “.exe”, so the file ends with “.deb” (without quotation marks).
3. Open the Terminal window (in Linux by pressing the CTRL+ALT+T keys).
3. Change the working directory. For instance, if you downloaded the file to the Downloads folder, then type:
cd ~/Downloads
and hit Enter.
4. Type:
sudo dpkg -i print-drivers-linux-glibc2-x86_5.5.1.deb
Enter your root password and press Enter. When it finishes its job, type consecutively:
cd /usr/local/lexmark
sudo ./setup.lexprint
Follow the instructions and so the driver will be installed.
That’s it 🙂